Monday, 15 August 2011

Essential GCSE Study tips

GCSEs or the General Certificate of Secondary Education qualification are studied by the majority of children in the United Kingdom between the ages of 14 to 16. It has been newsworthy throughout its relatively short life with many individuals commenting on its suitability to replace the old O Level system. GCSEs. Generally speaking though GCSEs are highly regarded by employers, schools and colleges.
In this article we will look at essential GCSE study tips that students can apply to help maximise their marks in exams.

The first essential GCSE study tip is to devise a study plan. A study plan is a little like a time table at school, with the days of the week and hours of study that you can allocate to each of your GCSE subject. By devising a study plan you organising your revision time effectively. You will also ensure that you are allocating sufficient time to each individual subject and are allowing time for social activities, remember it is important to maintain a healthy work life balance. You can find study plan templates on the Internet alternatively you can create your own on a computer or do it by hand.

The second essential GCSE study tip is to devise a S.W.O.T analysis of your subjects. S.W.O.T stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Your strengths are your knowledge of particular areas within a subject, your weaknesses could be your motivation or organisation. Opportunities could be the free time that you have available or the particular environment that you are working in. Lastly threats are distractions such as the TV, Internet or radio. Remember it is important to focus on your weak areas within individual GCSE subjects not your strengths, as this would be counter productive.

The third tip relates to your mental attitude towards your studies. Remember to try and have a positive mental attitude at all times. Positive thoughts and faith in yourself will help you to focus on your studies and achieve the results that you want to in your GCSEs exams.

The fourth and final essential GCSE study tip relates to doing too much work. Remember that doing too much work can be counter productive. By doing too much you will end up feeling ill and be unable to focus on your studies. Always remember to keep a healthy work study balance with your GCSEs.